Sunday, July 28, 2013

Well alrighty then

So I don't know how long this post is going to be but here it goes. I am very upset with a certain friend at the moment, and I need to let out some steam. Recently I just found out three of my favorite actors are going to be at a mall near me. I was so excited, so I told said friend about. We looked it up and of course you needed to purchase a t-shirt with a wristband (was more then likely twenty bucks) Well I asked this friend if she wanted to go(mind you she hadn't heard about it until I told her) she said yeah. As we're talking she states that she wasn't a huge fan but her sister was so she'd go and get signings for her sister; her was is in Spain at the moment and isn't able to go. So the time comes and I don't have the money nor the ride so I tell her. She says it's fine and all that stuff. Well I come to find out later that day that she'd called another friend and went up there by herself, without telling me. Okay, most of you are probably thinking this isn't a big deal but it kind of is to me. Why? Because she should have said something, plus she isn't a huge fan, probably never read the series and the fact that she's going kind of grinds my gears. I had seven dollars and I could have gotten more but I do have a child that I need to take care of so in the end I chose to save my money. But the pointing being is, she went behind my back. If I had never called her nor told her she would have never known about it. Now, if she'd known about it before hand then I wouldn't be so angry. I mean, she would have known about it before me so it wouldn't have mattered. I know I might be taking this out of context but I've told several people, all agree with me and how I feel. I don't know, I'm just really frustrated. I do really wanna meet these actors and I so wish I could have but I can't. I know I'll have possibly more chances but the whole thing just bugs me. I can't really express how I feel to that friend either because of her personality. She gets over emotional and takes thing out of proportion. Ugh, I just needed to rant. Still frustrated but there's nothing I can.

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