Friday, August 2, 2013


       So I like to should be obvious but yeah. But I have a problem. I never seem to finish what I write.
      Tragic, I know.
      But recently I've been having an idea swimming around in my head. I've been playing with it around in my mind and I really do like it. My sister's boyfriend says it sounds "typical" but I don't think so. I really like it and the concept and I don't think it'll be like any other book. Well, it might, a little but that's beside's the point. What is this said book about? Well I shall tell you...but only a little.
     Well basically it's about this girl, her name is Seraphina Mitchell, and she's just your average run of the mill girl who just wants to finish High School and get out of town. But there's a problem, she meets a guy named Damien, who turns out to be the Devil. He tells Sera(a nickname) that on he owns her. Crazy right? Well Sera thinks so too, til Damien shows her his true form. Then she doesn't think it's so crazy. So from there she must find a way to save her soul before her 18th birthday or the Devil will claim it. "Don't stare into the eyes of the Devil lest you want to lose your soul forever."
      That last line? Yeah, I kinda made it up. Why? Well you know the saying "The eyes are the windows to your soul,"? Well maybe that's how the Devil literally steals your soul. Not going to go into exact detail buuuut yesh. I like the idea and sure, it might be "typical" but hey, at least I'm trying!
      I love to write, it's a passion of mine. I was surprised I even had a knack for it. I didn't truly start writing til I was in seventh grade when I wrote my first story. Grant it, it was a story based of me and my crush but a story nonetheless. I look at how I write today and compare it to the past and I gotta say I've improved immensely and there's always room for improvement. I'm going to keep writing, keep writing til my fingers bleed...well not til they bleed but til they cramp from spending hours upon hours of none stop writing and typing. Yes, i'm one of those people. HAHAHA!!
       I do hope to become a writer someday. To get something published and become a young writers inspiration. To inspire younger kids to want to write would be a beautiful thing. I believe writing is indeed a form of art, you're just painting pictures with words. Well good night lovely people or you know, to who ever reads this<3

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