Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Friends til the end?

       You know how you can tell a friends pissed off at you and is holding you back at arms length? Well it sucks, ya know? You get mad at them, they get mad at you for being mad at them and then when you try to apologize it basically blows up in your face. Am I right? Being friends with people has definitely become difficult as you grow up. But they tell you that, don't they. They say "You won't be friends with the people you were friends with in High School" Sure you'll have a few good friends that stay by your side but they're just about left you as well. You find new friends, they find new friend and then you're just strangers with a past.
       It sucks actually.
       I don't even know what to do anymore. I try, I really do but it all falls through holes. Then you're left with a broken friendship, both sides too stubborn to fix it. But when one does try to fix it the other smashes it even further, claiming things have changed. I just don't understand it sometimes; that's life though, it has a funny way of turning things around on you. Like dropping hints about crap and what not. Ugh I'm not even making any sense right now. I'm so angry and tired and Ugh!!
     This will be a short entry, why? Because I'm just too tired to function right now. Good night

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