Friday, October 18, 2013

Useless and other things

    What do you do when one of your parents is useless? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Why? Because there's no point in doing anything, especially when that parent doesn't care. All they care about is doing things for themselves. They don't care and that's what I'm dealing with. A mother who would rather go spend time with an ex-abusive ex who could end up abusing her again. She'd rather do that then help her own daughter with things to secure her future. My future isn't important to her, she's a selfish witch(I'm trying not to cuss because I have a child). She's one of those people who say "Oh, my jobs done here, figure everything else on your own"
     I just can't stand her anymore. I'm at my breaking point. She's never done anything that's benefited us. NEVER! If she's done things it's because she has a boyfriend or wants to look 'good' in front of others. And she wonders why we are the way we are. She doesn't care but you know what, I don't need her. Once I get what I need I'm done, she's no longer apart of my life. I have no respect for her, whatsoever. I just, I can't deal with this anymore. I'm dealing with so much shit it's not even funny. I can't rely on anyone.
    It's funny really, the people who tell me I can rely on them end up bailing in the end. I may sound childish and immature but at least I'm honest with myself, at least I don't lie day after day. I don't want to end up like her, I don't ever want to be like her. She just makes me so mad. I'm sorry my future isn't important to you but it is to me. I don't want to be in this family anymore, I really don't. I don't belong with them and I just want to leave. Take Gabriel and go because I'm obviously a disappointment to them.
   Well too bad! I'm just going to worry about me now. Myself and Gabriel and that's it. I'll go to school then get a job and leave. They won't ever see me again. They won't ever see Gabe and me again and if they wonder why well it's because they pushed me away. No one's proud of me, no one is happy for me not anything. I just want to leave. I don't want to be selfish but this is how I feel. These are my feelings and no one seems to care. But I hate feeling like this.
    I hate feeling like depressed and angry all the time but that's what I am. I'm either depressed or angry, hardly ever happy.

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